A Way to Garden with Margaret Roach - June 4 - Alana Chernila Vegetable Cookbook

June 02, 2018 00:25:12
A Way to Garden with Margaret Roach - June 4 - Alana Chernila Vegetable Cookbook
A Way to Garden with Margaret Roach - June 4 - Alana Chernila Vegetable Cookbook

Jun 02 2018 | 00:25:12


Show Notes

The vegetable garden is starting to provide in earnest. But before we all dish out the same old side of steamed broccoli or green beans or kale every night from here to the first freeze, it’s time to get some recipe ideas that are as fresh as those veggies.

What do you say we all make this the year of the more inspired approach to eating our vegetables? To that end, I called friend and cookbook author Alana Chernila, whose latest volume is “Eating from the Ground Up: Recipes for Simple, Perfect Vegetables.” Get her tips, recipes, and a chance to enter to win the cookbook, too. 

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