One of my favorite books by our friend Ken Druse is called “Making More Plants,” and though it's about all kinds of propagation, Ken and I talked the other day about what is maybe the easiest way of all to make more plants, which is by dividing them.
In most of the country this spring 2020, we're not out shopping at garden centers, browsing for new adoptees the way we usually would be. But maybe you, like Ken Druse and I, are ready to do some shopping in your own garden, looking for divisions of favorite things that would work elsewhere, or simply keeping that bee balm from overrunning everything else that shares the same bed with it. We discussed dividing plants—the how, the when, the why, and how even certain shrubs (not just herbaceous perennials) can be divided, too.
Cutting garden 101: The expression “cutting garden” sounds dreamy, laden with the promise of colorful flowers to harvest and bring indoors for bouquets in...
Each year the powers that be in the horticulture industry declare what the trends are—what color is “in” and what design styles we’re all...
I saw news of a new book called “Pressed Plants” recently, and it got me thinking about my grandmother, and one of the many...