A reader emailed me not long ago, asking if I'd ever written a story or done a podcast about dried flowers—which ones to grow and how to dry them and so on. And no, I hadn't, I had to admit, so I called Jenny Elliot of Tiny Hearts Farm, a farmer-florist friend. And that's what our topic is today: what you can dry that you're growing now—yes, even your marigolds and things to forage for and more.
Farmer-florist Jenny Elliott with partner, Luke Franco, owns Tiny Hearts Farm in the Hudson Valley of New York, where they grow flowers organically, both for the wholesale market, for subscribers to their weekly flower CSA, and also for events in a normal year, including weddings that she designs and more.
Q&A: Clivia, chestnuts, staking--Yes, it's us again, me and Ken Druse, here to answer your latest crop of Urgent Garden Questions. We covered topics...
2019 TOP TIPS: Another garden season is complete, and we’ve just passed the end of another year of the radio show and podcast, too,...
What’s one of the best sources of inspiration and information about gardening you can get outside of a classroom, and that is also wonderfully...