Native Plant Conservation with Robert Naczi - A Way to Garden with Margaret Roach - November 26

November 23, 2018 00:24:41
Native Plant Conservation with Robert Naczi - A Way to Garden with Margaret Roach - November 26
Native Plant Conservation with Robert Naczi - A Way to Garden with Margaret Roach - November 26

Nov 23 2018 | 00:24:41


Show Notes

Native plant conservation: When you're talking plants and not people, how do you figure out who lives where? You can't send census takers door to door to get a head count, but doing so is a critical step in devising conservation strategies in a changing world, among other key goals. A New York Botanical Garden botanist is coordinating such an effort. Robert Naczi is a Curator of North American Botany at the New York Botanical Garden where the classic reference to the plants of all or part of 22 U.S. states and five Canadian provinces is being fully updated. We talked about the dramatic increase of established invasive plants in the landscape, about native geraniums and orchids, and about various surprising relatives of milkweed (including Vinca!).

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