Gorgeous grains: I'm currently captivated by thoughts of gorgeous grains and grain-like annuals adding drama to my upcoming garden, and at the same time potentially feeding me and my beloved bird friends. Sarah Kleeger, of Adaptive Seeds in Oregon, has a passion for these dual-purpose, edible ornamentals like sorghum, millet, amaranth, and more.
Sarah Kleeger, with Andrew Still, founded Adaptive Seeds in 2009 as a farm-based, organic seed company where they grow and harvest more than 80 percent of the seed they sell, including a gorgeous assortment of grains and grain-like annuals that were the subject of our conversation.
We talked about high-yielding and statuesque sorghum—perfect for porridge or even popcorn-style—and amaranths in a range of colors, plus flowering oil-seed crops like sunflowers, poppy seed, Camelina, and flax. We even got into some hints on cover-cropping for soil-building.
Some of us plant a row or two of annuals for cutting, but Frances Palmer has taken the phrase “cutting garden” to the most...
Today’s show is all about surprises—and the first one is my guest. He’s back: My old friend Ken Druse is here after too many...
Nobody wants to get the IRS notice in the mail that they’re being audited, heaven forbid. But when it comes to gardens, Rodney Eason...