Looking around the garden as some of spring’s show off shrubs and perennials fade, I realized how glad I am that I made room for some garden-sized trees too. Not too big and not too small, and the best of them are offering more than a single season of interest. Choice trees for the garden, and also some unexpected ways to use them is our topic today.
Here today to talk garden-sized trees and where at your place to make room for some to the best possible effect is Bruce Crawford,who from 2005 to 2020 was the director of Rutgers Gardens, the Botanical Garden for Rutgers University. He’s currently the State Program Leader for Home and Public Horticulture with the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, and a longtime instructor in the landscape architecture program at Rutgers.
Seeds and Sunflowers: Before the weeks got darker, Ken Greene and I had planned a chat about a sunny subject: sunflowers. Ken is co-founder...
What if I told you there's a new way to shop for seed where your purchase yields not just the packets, but also educational...
“To discover and share knowledge about plants and their environment in order to preserve and enrich life.” – Missouri Botanical Garden mission Founded in...