Every year when I get to the sweet pea listings in the seed catalogs, I think this is the year, the year I'll organize some supports in the garden for them, and indulge in their unmatched extravagance of color and fragrance.
Today's guest doesn't hesitate one second or have to think twice about sweet peas ever, which are always on the list in his Massachusetts garden, grown both as cut flowers and elements of beds and borders.
Matt Mattus, author of “Mastering the Art of Flower Gardening,” and also of “Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening,” gardens at his Worcester, Mass., home. Matt is the third generation of his family to live and garden there, in the same house with its two-acre landscape. He's had a career as a graphic artist and toy designer at Hasbro for many years, but for at least as long he's been passionately designing garden scenes and experimenting with one genus or another in his garden and greenhouse, where he can't resist the impulse to try every last species or variety of something that he can get his hands on.
Today’s guest answers even more Urgent Garden Questions each year than I do, in her role as plant clinic manager at The Morton Arboretum...
I'm mad for birds, so much so, that I've been looking expectantly lately at the interactive migration maps on the BirdCast website and browsing...
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