Great shrubs: So many shrubs, so little time. I'm kidding, sort of, but I think shrubs are a gardener's best investment, and were the topic of conversation with long-time plant hunter and plant breeder Tim Wood, of wholesale Spring Meadow Nursery. Tim, the Product Development and Marketing Manager there, devotes his career to developing and identifying outstanding new woody ornamentals for the retail and landscape markets.
He visited my public-radio show and podcast to talk shrubs: what's new, what's coming next, and what's going out of favor and why—new barberries that don’t seed and become invasive; better viburnums maybe that resist the leaf beetle, and more.
You know the routine: I ring up my longtime friend Ken Druse on Skype each month and then we tackle your Urgent Garden Questions—which...
The vegetable garden is starting to provide in earnest. But before we all dish out the same old side of steamed broccoli or green...
Today’s topic is orchids, but not the ones you might be growing as a flowering houseplant. Our subject is native terrestrial types that are...