I’m eyeing a vintage glass cookie jar I haven’t used in years, and a big glass snifter, too, that’s been sitting idle on a shelf in the sideboard for ages. And I’m thinking terrariums, and I’m thinking holiday centerpiece, or maybe a gift or two. Are you feeling crafty? Today’s guest has expert how-to and design help for creating tiny landscapes under glass.
Patricia Buzo started her terrarium design business, Doodle Bird Terrariums, in 2008, and sells her creations on Etsy. She’s also author of the recent book, “A Family Guide to Terrariums for Kids,” which is suited to inspiring would-be terrarium makers of all ages—even me.
Elizabeth Farnsworth New England Wild Flower Society Senior Research Ecologist. Elizabeth Farnsworth joined the Society staff in 1999 and has directed several special projects,...
What if I told you there's a new way to shop for seed where your purchase yields not just the packets, but also educational...
More seed how-to's: How's that seed shopping going? On the radio show and podcast, Ken Druse and I covered more of your seed questions,...